There are a lot of wholesalers in the world. Some of them are great! I love to buy from them because they save me a lot of time. This is what great wholesalers do. Provide value in time savings for a reasonable...
Today’s post is short and to the point… Cut the drama. Just cut it. Drama and/or negativity is like the ‘mega-weed’ in every transaction. There are some people whose internal thermostat is set to drama. Cut them. Fast. They may even be good...
‘Stop fighting life.’ – George Ross Coronavirus has changed the world as we know it. And we are likely not going back to what it was. In fact, no one knows what the new ‘normal’ will look like but there will be done. How you adapt is...
By now, you have probably not only heard but heard more than enough about the coronavirus. It has literally changed the way our country does life. For some this is daunting at best, unbearable at worst. For some, it isn’t that much different a...